Picking a hobby is like picking your preferred flavor of ice cream—it is totally subjective yet incredibly satisfying when you find the right one. But if you were to ask me for my favorite flavor, then it would have to be dancing.

For me, it has been my first love that has dramatically shaped who I am today. From watching dance choreographies and copying movements in the living room to actively engaging in the K-Pop dance community, dancing has become an integral part of my life, and here’s why I did not look further to search for other hobbies, and groove my way to the world of dancing.

Music + Dance = ❤

First things first, I love listening to music. Always have, always will.

Music makes me feel things while dancing allows me to express those feelings without saying a single word. When a great song comes on, I am itching to move. It is like my body has a mind of its own. I believe that each song tells a story, and through dance, I get to be that storyteller, even if my “stage” is just my living room.

Dance, the Sneaky Workout

Let’s be real about this—sometimes, hitting the gym can feel like a chore. Lifting heavy weights and running on a treadmill? Pass. But dancing? Smash. That is definitely a workout that does not feel like work at all. Since I started dancing, I have noticed I can climb stairs without huffing and puffing, and my coordination has gone from “tripping over my own feet” to “gracefully avoiding sidewalk cracks.” 

Bye-Bye Stress, Hello Joy

For some unknown reasons, dancing simply melts away the negativities. It is like my own personal therapy session, but way more fun and affordable for a broke university student like me. On top of that, learning a new dance routine distracts me from unnecessary thoughts and gives me that excitement. And let’s not forget the confidence boost—nailing tricky footworks or performing in front of others would make me feel accomplished.

To Have Dance Buddies in the K-Pop Dance Community

Apart from the aforementioned reasons of why I chose dancing is that I am appreciative of the people I have met along the way. To be on the same dance floor with K-Pop dance enthusiasts makes me feel thrilled. Oftentimes, we tend to talk about topics that genuinely bring us laughter and positivity, creating a sense of community that is so niche which makes it hard to find elsewhere. Also, you will never know that a dance buddy can become that one trusted friend that would go with your life journey.

Wrapping It Up

Overall, choosing dancing as my hobby has been one of the best decisions ever. It combines my love for music, my need for physical activity, and my desire to express myself creatively. Dancing has helped me make friends, build confidence, and find joy in everyday moments. Whether I’m on an actual dance floor or just jamming out in my kitchen, dancing is where I feel most alive and happiest.


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