Dance Competition Chronicle

The Invitation

It all started with an invitation that made my heart skip a beat. Our dance crew was officially entering a competition.

Now, cue the excitement—and the panic.

I was thrilled at the idea of showcasing our skills yet also terrified at the thought of competing against some seriously talented dancers in Dubai. With that being said, our first step was to select a K-Pop song to cover. After serious online and offline discussions that were filled with debate and laughter, we finally settled on TGIF by XG. It was a bold choice, but we were ready to bring our A-game.

🎵 TGIF by XG — For reference, here’s the song we chose!

Blood, Sweat, and Tears

As the competition date approached, our rehearsals became more intense. If I am being honest, I was pressured to do my utmost best in rehearsals while having university alongside.

Even so, I practiced until my muscles ached and my feet were sore with others, but we knew it was necessary to perfect our routine. Each rehearsal brought us closer as a team. We laughed together, cheered each other on, and occasionally had mini random play dances to lighten the mood.

“Again!” became the catchphrase of our rehearsals.

We repeated sections over and over until they were ingrained in our muscle memory. It was exhausting, but the progress we made was exhilarating. 

The Costumes

We decided to copy the artists’ outfits, so we had to spend our money on new clothes and make adjustments to make our vibrant outfits similar to the original. Trying on the costumes for the first time was a magical moment. Seeing ourselves transformed into our performance personas boosted our excitement and made everything feel real.

The Nerves

In less than a week before the competition, the nerves started to kick in.

The what-ifs played on repeat in my mind: What if I forget the steps? What if I trip? What if we don’t win?

I had a lot of negativities at that time, but I knew that letting fear take over would not help. Instead, I decided to turn my nerves into fuel. I had to distract myself from these negative thoughts through mindful practices. I pictured myself performing flawlessly, feeling the rhythm of the music, and basking in the applause. This mental rehearsal somehow helped calm my nerves and boost my confidence.

The D-Day

The day of the competition arrived. Although it was uneasy to see other competitors, we tried to stay calm. Backstage, we helped each other with final touches, and did our best to keep the jitters at bay. When our turn finally came, we took a deep breath, joined hands, and shared words of encouragement to uplift the crew’s spirit.

Stepping onto the stage, there were bright lights and the expectant hush of the audience filled me with  so much adrenaline. As the music started, everything else faded away. Each move flowed seamlessly, each expression genuine. It was a perfect blend of hard work, passion, and team spirit.

The Aftermath

🎵 TGIF by XG — The Live Performance on Dubyeol’s YouTube Channel!

The waiting game gave me more anxiety than I anticipated; the judges’ announcement felt like an eternity, but when they announced a different group, I felt my heart sink. Despite not being the winner of this competition, I did my best to not linger these thoughts and focused on the positive side of this. In fact, it was the journey that mattered—the growth as dancers and as a team, the memories we created, and the lessons we learned. I was glad to participate in such an event with my dance crew members. 

At the end of the day, preparing for a dance competition taught me that success is not just about the end result; it is more about the passion, perseverance, and joy in the process.

Also, losing can be a good thing, you know? 


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